Following is a unix command tutorial with some of the most popular and useful commands used in unix operating system arranged by functionality .
* |
? |
directory | |
Change | cd dir Change to directory d |
Make | mkdir dir Create new directory d |
Move | mv dir1 dir2 Rename directory d1 as d2 |
Remove | rmdir dir Remove directory d |
file | |
list , no details only names | ls filename , filename with wildcard character/s. |
list , details | ls -1 filename , filename with wildcard character/s. |
move to directory | mv filename dirname (wildcard character/s supported) |
copy file to other/current directory | cp file directory/newfile or cp directory/oldfile . |
Delete the file | rm file , rm -rf directory - Recursively remove files & directly without any warning. |
file | file filename , file command tries to determine the file type , text , executable etc after comparing the values in /etc/magic . |
File edit/create/view | |
vi - vi full screen editor | vi filename , Opens a existing file or creates |
ed - Line Text editor | ed filename |
count – Line, word, & char | wc filename |
Text content display - List contents of file at once | cat filename |
Text content display by screen : List contents of file screen by screen | more filename |
Concatenate – file1 & file2 into file3 | cat file1 file2 >file3 |
File operation | |
Change read/write/execute mode of fil | chmod mode file |
chown | chown [-R] [-h] owner[:group] file |
move (rename ) file | mv file1 file2 Rename file file1 as file2 |
Remove | rm file Delete (remove) file f |
Compare two files | cmp file1 file2 |
Copy file file1 into file2 | cp file1 file2 |
Sort Alphabetically | sort file |
Sort Numerically | sort -n file |
Split f into n-line pieces | split [-n] f |
match pattern | grep pattern file Outputs lines that |
Lists file differences | diff file1 file2 |
head f Output beginning of file | head file |
Output end of file | tail file |
Suspend current process | CTRL/z * |
Interrupt processes | CTRL/c * |
Stop screen scrolling | CTRL/s * |
Resume screen scrolling | CTRL/q * |
Sleep for n seconds | sleep n |
Print list of jobs | jobs |
Kill job n | kill % |
Remove process n | kill -9 n |
status process status stats | ps |
Resume background job n | bg [%n] |
Resume foreground job n | fg [%n] |
Exit from shell | exit |
User admin | |
add a new user login to the system | # useradd -u 655 -g 20 -d /home/ttes testlogin loginname
#useradd testlogin will create a user by the name ‘testlogin’ with all default values . |
password Change | passwd |
alias (csh/tcsh) – Create command | alias name1 name2 |
alias (ksh/bash) – Create alias command | alias name1=”name2″ |
alias – Remove alias | unalias name1[na2...] |
printer | |
Output file f to line printer | p -d printer file |
System Status | |
Display disk quota | quota |
Print date & time | date |
List logged in users | who |
Display current user | whoami |
Output user information | finger [username] |
Display recent commands | history |
Environment Variable | |
set | set command alone displays the environment variables, it is used to set options in ksh like set -o vi |
export | export variable , export makes variable visible in sub shells. |
Set environment variable (csh/tcsh) to value v | sentenv name v |
Set environment variable (ksh/bash) to value v | export name=v example : export TERM=vt100 |
Connectivity | |
Connecting to a remote host | $telnet hostname/ip address or $telnetTelnet brings up the login prompt of remote host and expects you to enter your user name & password .Without argument it enters command mode (telnet>) and accepts command listed by ? at telnet> prompt. Communication is not encrypted between two hosts. |
Securely connecting to a remote host |
Copy files from/to remote host |
Securely copy files from/to remote host | sftp username@hostname:remotefile localfile Communication is encrypted between two hosts. |
Test the tcp/ip connectivity between two hosts |
Backup and Restore | |
backup and restore using tar , TApeaRchive |
backup and restore using cpio , CopyInputOutput |
Find files , directories | |
find files , directories |
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